➠ Result by Monday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2007-08-20 974 760423 237505 412662 565011 098000
2007-08-13 967 536695 831520 764068 806190 013438
2007-08-06 960 445991 042026 003951 357117 073979
2007-07-30 953 707042 442628 726359 104536 667898
2007-07-23 946 853938 944565 662080 621090 456060
2007-07-16 939 646114 821667 306058 280749 913435
2007-07-09 932 831571 528423 001068 006809 823933
2007-07-02 925 263475 654468 335988 883464 539559
2007-06-25 918 996043 549511 093414 285441 246296
2007-06-18 911 615084 608586 506573 722883 566037
2007-06-11 904 634133 482530 316532 653685 236298
2007-06-04 897 793920 524146 473115 509558 106283
2007-05-28 890 985872 563434 843559 114542 244692
2007-05-21 883 250605 452924 848352 416849 620219
2007-05-14 876 926089 045766 386456 640967 183841
2007-05-07 869 345420 882393 540115 975004 484631
2007-04-30 862 093994 379855 593656 791198 622752
2007-04-23 855 853432 439503 003318 499508 671162
2007-04-16 848 528638 432547 605091 803699 825205
2007-04-09 841 218624 871106 787968 321438 205782
2007-04-02 834 809973 276535 330271 320469 018024
2007-03-26 827 828716 442228 388743 347960 767426
2007-03-19 820 661251 140595 138836 062893 117467
2007-03-12 813 709087 454053 275698 825754 472008
2007-03-05 806 488654 549129 858060 919831 251788
2007-02-26 799 999737 854726 638217 617980 892820
2007-02-19 792 537031 640121 087234 314270 662686
2007-02-12 785 483902 191380 945473 242453 041976
2007-02-05 778 759325 458824 905810 310528 253800
2007-01-29 771 986598 374457 089630 605610 216576

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