➠ Result by Friday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2007-08-24 978 880766 740823 655086 599722 001849
2007-08-17 971 408111 758965 832107 882854 370736
2007-08-10 964 044320 816833 585439 297109 126514
2007-08-03 957 711616 230357 388328 777465 629029
2007-07-27 950 428173 430710 579380 939500 129036
2007-07-20 943 414497 720559 341335 653250 308739
2007-07-13 936 159919 673688 705019 264696 850544
2007-07-06 929 216864 041704 743382 749047 088407
2007-06-29 922 732481 036244 063020 882101 987463
2007-06-22 915 828785 849747 166062 456052 019699
2007-06-15 908 247505 050161 984777 503628 780004
2007-06-08 901 314983 308640 777039 908792 634679
2007-06-01 894 152257 966189 607889 180976 644343
2007-05-25 887 201015 980134 307593 150167 083029
2007-05-18 880 014600 993608 759817 223134 125672
2007-05-11 873 099855 853405 694008 535063 723561
2007-05-04 866 937695 624052 212113 524826 454745
2007-04-27 859 183183 412363 927115 892961 920787
2007-04-20 852 275953 145910 438352 382833 818520
2007-04-13 845 419585 360458 376560 938772 684886
2007-04-06 838 165522 717612 313711 305182 244201
2007-03-30 831 746501 840968 372961 724866 184873
2007-03-23 824 516005 980821 604465 625073 651859
2007-03-16 817 887441 762944 757537 651789 197585
2007-03-09 810 598496 610398 535674 391995 714238
2007-03-02 803 290728 051979 501544 115081 358310
2007-02-23 796 778526 419731 146229 844338 843391
2007-02-16 789 411705 624196 741330 828194 457574
2007-02-09 782 849219 067801 072445 365715 749257
2007-02-02 775 305830 508014 275514 485352 275278

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